New high-end French made processor on the market : the WAVEFLEX DSP A8

27. März 2013
Real Name
Hi for all members,

I am happy to present you a new processor : the DSP A8.

It-is hand made by a good friend of mine. Passionate member of sound for years (home and car), and well known in France.

The DSP A8 is a true high end unit, with selected components assembled by hand. Metal box with PMMA sheet on up side. Not a big range commercial item like others DSP in plastic boxes.

This processor is based on miniDSP 2x8, with a hand made mosfet power supply for grounding and isolating the board. No clips, pops or others noises problems with this DSP A8.

I you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me in PN.

Michel from France
Thank you for showing us all here .

Will it be "buyable" ?

Very best greetings & regards from GOOD OLD GERMANY
Anselm N. Andrian

Thank you !!
so the processor is untouched, just a powersupply and the case is added?

It is simply a miniDSP 2x8 in a new case. The software is the same as the miniDSP uses.
Also a power supply is already included at the miniDSP PCB. Maybe this is soldered by hand or made some slightly mods at the A8.

page5: 2x8 User manual v1.1.pdf

Anyway, it should be easy to equip the miniDSP addons like DIGI-FP, VOL-FP or using the expansion port for miniDIGI or miniAMP.
DSP card has few modifications. Most of the work is done on the power supply.
The DIGI-FP evolution will be possible, but not the VOL-FP (not compatible for car use).
The assembly is entirely handmade. The chassis is CNC machine engraved with a perfect finish.
This is a unique type craft processor, not mass production like the others.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Some pictures of the DSP-A8 in a system :

Head-unit : Alpine F1 Status
Front speakers : 3 way Scanspeak Revelator
Subwoofer : MTX Black Gold 12"



Note that the original protection film cover on the DSP-A8 is still on place.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The digital input, with beautiful remote, is now available in option for 188 euros.
With the remote, you can control the sound level, and choose four different preset setting :-)


For all kind of questions :
My friend Pierre Nicoloso understand and talk Italian/German/English/French.
188 Euros für den hässlichen Klumpen? Wow!
Es muss ja keine "Schönheitswetbewerbe" gewinnen, die Frage lautet eher wie gut es funzt
Too expensive!

There are other Dsp which do the same and are cheaper :)
Ich bin nur sehr überrascht, so einen Heidenaufwand und dann "nur" Glassicherungen...? Da wären ein paar Taler mehr oder weniger auch nicht mehr ins Gewicht gefallen...
I`m sorry to say that but on the pictures the Remote looks...let me put it this way, very simple and sorry again not very beautiful...

What is the price for the Remote Control alone?

Und ich finde ebenso auch wenn es die Funktion sicher nicht beeinträchtigt, würde es dem Einbau dahingehend besser zu Gesicht stehen einfach mit ANL Sicherungen. Über einen technischen Sinn brauchen wir nicht zu reden, sonst könnte man auch einfach sehr günstige OFC Kabel nehmen und fertig. Ist halt wie ein Evo ohne Spoiler, es ist schon ein Evo aber seien wir ehrlich wenn schon denn schon :-)

Mfg Dirk
Oben Unten