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Was du hoffentlich genauso vorbildlich getestet hast, wie die Verstärkervergleiche?Diabolo schrieb:Mit ner MP3 braucht man solche experimente natürlich nicht erst machen![]()
ToeRmeL schrieb:Hast du ein Multimeter? Dann kannst du mit einem 50Hz Ton ausreichend genau die Spannung einstellen. Vergleiche, bei denen der Pegel nicht stimmt, sind von vorne herein zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Vergleiche mit unverdeckter (optischer, haptischer...) Erwartungshaltung - gleich welcher Art - auch.
Was für Experimente? Sinustöne wiedergeben oder Musik hören?Diabolo schrieb:Mit ner MP3 braucht man solche experimente natürlich nicht erst machen![]()
Wenn du das verlustfreie Format meinst, dann sollte das auch so sein. Schließlich geht keinerlei Information verloren. Leider ist das Apfelformat nur völlig gesperrt, sodass ich lieber APE oder FLAC nutze.Diabolo schrieb:Wo ich keine Verluste gehrt habe, selbst bei allen von mir selber durchgeführten Test´s, war mit dem Appleformat, wieso auch immer, das arbeitet bei mir wunderbarst.
gordon@genesis schrieb:The interaction between the speaker and modern transistor based amps will be on a more complex level than simple amplitude variations, simply because the output impedance of modern feedback based designs is so low.
For the same reason phase shift is unlikely to be an issue, as it's next to zero in a good design except at the spectrum extremes where it isn't nearly as audible.
However output current capability, crossover distortion, output device speed, the harmonic order of distortion components and the stability of the amp under reactive loading ( leading or lagging) will all affect the SQ when the amp isn't clipping. Even where the feedback point is connected and the quality of grounding can affect SQ.
When the amp clips the nature of the distortion will also have an impact. Amps that clip cleanly and suffer no hang up will sound much cleaner than those that don't.
Subtle variations in the frequency response will also affect presentation, as will adding in lots of second or even order harmonics to create warmth.
(In my workshop I listen to a little 8 watt per channel valve FM radio and it sounds gorgeous. Accurate. no, but warm and rich. Lots of 2nd harmonics..)
This argument is in essence a little like which car is best, an M3, C63, Lexus GT, RS4 or whatever. All are very capable and it will boil down to which suits you best (sir)
I still prefer the sound of my Linn LP12 to any CD player I've heard. I know the CD is technically better and I can hear the faults in my TT setup but to me the turntable plays music better. Other folks may prefer the CD as it's more accurate. However the CD works much better in the car...
As for the original argument do all amps sound the same, they do if you can't hear the difference.
If you have trained yourself to listen then they definitely don't.
Unfortunately it's become urban myth Stateside that all amps sound the same thanks to one dumb competition with rigged rules that could never be won.