Easycap kernel driver testing
First thing to check, is whether the Easycap kernel driver is actually being loaded. If you have just added commands in userinit.sh for loading the driver, you need to reboot the tablet.
Test 1: With your tablet connected to your PC via USB enter the following in a command shell:
adb root
adb shell lsmod
The tablet should return something like this:
easycap 1235610 - - Live 0x00000000
Test 2: Disconnect the tablet from the PC and connect the Easycap device to the tablet. Open Terminal app on the device and enter the following:
ls /dev/video*
You should see four devices being listed:
When you unplug the Easycap device, entering "ls /dev/video*" again should return this:
The missing video3 device is your Easycap device. It should show up again, if you plug it back in.
Test 3: The Easycap Linux kernel driver will only work with Easycap devices based on the Syntek STK1160 chipset. To find out, if your Easycap device contains the correct chipset, do the following: boot the tablet with the Easycap devices plugged in, wait for the Launcher to appear, then unplug the OTG adapter and connect the tablet to your PC (without rebooting the tablet again). Now run the following commands:
adb root
adb shell
dmesg | grep Syntek
dmesg | grep v4l2
dmesg | grep video
dmesg | grep driver
The dmesg command can be used to display the current kernel log. The grep command can be used to search/filter specific text entries. The first of the dmesg commands above should dump out a line containing "Manufacturer: Syntek Semiconductor". If you don't see any entries with "Syntek" being displayed, you may be out of luck. The other three dmesg commands may find other info related to your video grabber hardware.